All posts by James
PennLUG Club Meeting – December 3rd
The next PennLUG Club meeting will be held by Josh on December 3rd @11 AM. Details have been sent out via forum mail. If you need the details just ask on the forums or Facebook.
Red Lion Train Station Open House
PennLUG @ America On Wheels
PennLUG is pleased to once again have our annual holiday train display at America On Wheels in Allentown PA.
We encourage young and old to visit the museum and see all they have to offer it’s a great experience.
Holiday Trains
![2016 Holiday train Exhibit Rack Card](
PennLUG at Greenberg Train Show
PennLUG will be displaying this weekend November 5th & 6th. At the Greenberg train show in Harrisburg from 10 – 4.
For tickets and directions.
October PennLUG Meeting
The next PennLUG meeting is October 8th. Hosted by Sam & Vicki.
September PennLUG Meeting
Our September meeting will be held on Sunday the 4th in conjunction with our annual Labor Day party. Many of you have attended in the past but for those who haven’t we will have plenty of food to eat, burgers, hot dogs, and all the other usual summer cookout fair. We’ll have canopies set up for shade and a few trees to sit under as well. Bring a chair along. Bring the whole family along, kids and spouses are welcome. So come out and enjoy some good food and some fun times. Meeting starts at 11am but you’re welcome to show up earlier or later. We have no schedule or obligations, the day is just for fun. Food is usually ready around 12:30/1pm.
August PennLUG Meeting
The August PennLUG meeting will be held on 8/13 in Lancaster PA. The specific details were emailed to forum members. If you need the address ensure you are a member of our forums (It’s FREE!)
PennLUG club meeting July 9th
Our annual July meeting with cook out thanks to Learning with Bricks at the Warminster HQ on July 9th from 11 am till 11 pm.
Fun, games, and club business are to be had. If you have something you want to show off please bring it.
Bricks on the Dollar will be selling bulk used LEGO by the pound and will have more available than ever.
The build challenge will be to build something that transforms. It doesn’t have to be a Transformer in the classic sense, but it should convert from one object into another object.
If you need the address please post to the forums from which the newsletter is generated or Facebook.
See you soon!
PennLUG club meeting June 11
Hello all.
Our June meeting will be held on the 11th and hosted by Chris Edwards. As usual our meeting start time is 11am. The address has been sent out in the meeting email, if you have not received it let me know. Here is more info from Chris.
But first, Heroica!
If anyone is feeling heroic, I would like to run a game of my own special Advanced Heroica after (most of) the meeting is done. Probably starting in late afternoon sometime, and you can expect the game to take at least four hours.
Please RSVP to let me know if you’re interested in playing. There will be room for 4 or 5 heroes. Others are welcome to watch, but beware of spoilers if you do! Depending on interest level, I may need to use a lottery system to pick players.
For anyone who isn’t familiar, I made my own Advanced rules for the LEGO board game Heroica, complete with custom cards and all-new scenarios. It’s a cooperative dungeon-crawl board game. No prior knowledge of Heroica is required.
Please RSVP about the meeting in general, also. E-mail, Facebook, PennLUG forums, Flickr are all fine ways to RSVP.
The build challenge for this month:
Gardens or Space Gardens
Build a garden scene, realistic or fantastical. Yes, there can be snails in the garden. Or tractors. Don’t just slap a bunch of flowers on a baseplate, though–that’s too boring!
And as always, come out, relax, talk about LEGO and other random things, bring any models you want to show off, and have a good time.
Cale Leiphart
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