February 4th is the next PennLUG meeting. This one will be different than normal meetings because it will be a Display, Movie, Tear down, Meeting. Details have been emailed to forum members! It’ll be a busy & fun day!
Well this is a late news update. However better late then never! Our members currently are displaying 3 Vic Vipers for November in the King of Prussia Community window. You may have seen them, however if you haven’t here they are!

On 8-22-2012 PennLUG and DelVaLUG updated the LEGO Store Display. Many thanks to KC for getting some pictures! Please visit it in person as it looks amazing in photo, but I’m sure even better in person! 

Chris Edwards of PennLUG has created the newest window display and it’s amazing. Take a look in person at the LEGO Store in the King of Prussia mall, or online at his Flickr account

Pennsylvania LEGO® User Group — State of Brickdependence
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